I’ve uploaded the video from the final assignment for my TEFL course to YouTube. The assignment called for creating a lesson plan, writing a rationale for the lesson plan, and recording a video of me delivering the first twenty minutes of the lesson. There’s no wrap-up, summary or finale since the video is my presentation of the first twenty minutes of a planned lesson and it simply ends at the time limit while the lesson was still in progress.
I prepared the lesson for a hypothetical student from a previous assignment in the TEFL course. She had written an essay that had several errors in her usage of the Simple Past Tense, so I centered the lesson on reviewing the verb tenses she had learned to that point: the Simple Present, the Present Progressive and the Simple Past tenses.
The video shows me delivering the first twenty minutes of the lesson, so there are quick reviews of the Simple Present and Present Progressive tenses followed by the portion of the more comprehensive review of the Simple Past tense that brought the video’s running time up the twenty minutes called for in the assignment.
Here’s the link to my YouTube channel
Here’s the direct link to the video
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